Images are extremely important in digital marketing. In fact, in 2017, HubSpot reported the following finding: “When people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.”Images not only help your blog look more interesting, but they also help it become more memorable to readers.

Images can invoke an emotional response in blog readers, helping them remember your content.

How Images Impact Your Brand

According to, one ten year study reported the following: “brands that evoke a stronger emotional response sell more, enjoy stronger loyalty and can charge more.” Images can elicit an emotional response that helps build a stronger connection to your brand.

Tips for Choosing Images

1. Be Consistent

When selecting images for your blog, choose images which have a similar color scheme to help cement your brand identity. Also consider the images you post on social media. If you typically use certain filters or fonts on your images for example, utilizing the same approach in your blogs can help your audience better associate your content marketing with your overall strategy.

2. Utilize High-Quality Images

Unless you are purposefully choosing cartoon images because they relate to your logo or your slogan, it’s best to select professional, quality images. You can find such images on various stock photo subscription sites, or use free sites such as Pexel or Unsplash.



Choose images with excellent quality for your blog to give your content more authority.

3. Consider Your Audience

Before selecting images, identify your audience. If you are targeting children for example, choose fun pictures with bright colors. If you have a vacation rental business, it’s a great idea to hire a professional photographer to make your properties look as beautiful as possible.


Remember the images you select for your blog can have a huge impact on how your website, and your business is perceived. If you’d like more information on blogging, or how to build your brand, follow our blog and social media!

By Amara Young