Advertising is ever-changing and ever-growing, and there definitely isn’t a one-size-fits-all campaign. Exploring both new and traditional options for advertising will expand your reach to potential customers. However, with the increasing need for a strong online presence, we recommend investing more money in digital marketing over traditional forums such as radio, and here’s why:


Digital marketing is cost-efficient, and it’s easy to record/measure your results. Though some invest in paid ads online, the cost is still less expensive comparably, than traditional advertising, especially when combined with a strategic SEO campaign. With Google Analytics and the insights tools offered by most social media channels, you can check on your campaigns at any time, and analyze  in real time what is or is not working for your online campaign. This allows for you and your digital marketing agency to adapt quickly!

Interaction and Targeting Audiences

While radio/TV advertising, billboards, direct mail, and other traditional forms of advertising are great ways to raise awareness and support brand development, there is very little interaction between these mediums and customers, and it is challenging to target your audience.

These forums do a great job of providing information to the public that the brand exists, but only partnered with the hope of a response. Because of this it is challenging to measure any results. Print or radio advertisements can also be very costly, and without measurable results it can be hard to establish a clear return on your investment. With digital marketing, your audience can be targeted, and your viewers can choose how they want to receive your content (download a fact sheet, watch a video, etc.). You can then measure the results of the different outlets.

Traditional marketing doesn’t give the audience as many choices (although today digital is sometimes combining with traditional marketing, such as with ‘Learn More’ clickable links in TV commercials).  Market segmentation and targeted marketing can be quite powerful (and the best part is you can measure the results and have direct interaction with viewers/potential customers!) Interaction with your audience is possible (and encouraged) with the use of social media networks. Directly encourage your prospects, clients and followers to take action, visit your website, read about your products and services, and provide feedback which is visible to your market.

Level Playing Field

Traditionally, due to cost, smaller companies might struggle to keep up with the advertising efforts of larger outfits. Today any company that invests in a clean, modern, responsive, usable website (partnered with active social media and a strong SEO campaign) can compete – regardless of size!

Organically is an award-winning digital marketing company that can level the playing field for you! Let’s talk today about deploying a powerful digital campaign for your brand!