The goal of digital marketing is to grow your existing client base, increase brand awareness, and drive engagement. While many businesses like the idea of having more customers, they often miss these simple ways to increase lead volume and drive conversions online.

  1. Include an “action” at the end of each blog

If your business doesn’t already have a blog, it’s a great idea to start utilizing one now. Research shows consumers trust information from blogs, and posting effective content on your site can increase traffic.

Make sure you include a conversion action at the end of each article. For example, if you’d like the user to submit their name and email address, download a guide, visit other pages on the site, or contact you, include that information on your blog pages.

  1. Keep forms simple

When you are looking to collect contact information from customers, you will almost certainly get more volume by asking for very basic information such as a name and email address. The longer your form, the less likely the user is to convert.

  1. Provide alternative ways to sign up

Having “sign up with Facebook” buttons on your site, or “login with your Google ID” can help drive conversions because again, it’s simple, fast, and user-friendly. No matter how much interest a user has in your website, or of your products, he or she is still more likely to complete quick and easy steps to get in contact with your business.

  1. Offer links to similar product pages

Always link back to pages with similar products or something the client might also be interested in. This holds true for product pages on the site itself, cart pages, and even social media responses. If you have the opportunity to upsell or even just keep the user on the site longer- use it.  

  1. Consider using marketing automation tools

Marketing automation platforms can help you respond to your customers instantly, based on actions they took on your website. For example, sending an abandoned cart email helps remind your user he or she didn’t complete a purchase and may still want those items.

These are just a few of the simple steps you can take to increase your online conversions. The digital marketing experts at Organically are here to help if you have any questions about how your website is performing in search, or social or paid advertising. Contact us today for more information!