Conversion optimization can help your business better utilize the traffic that you currently have to improve conversions and grow your sales. Conversion optimization is often a cost effective technique that will allow you to bring more sales into your business, and sometimes, the changes are very minor and cost little to implement.

Have you looked at your conversion funnel recently on your website? If not, it may be time to take a look at how you could better utilize your traffic or to see if there’s a way to simplify or improve the customer experience on your website which could lead to more online conversions for your business.

Evaluate Important Metrics in Google Analytics

One of the best tools that you can use to evaluate your website’s performance and your current conversion funnel is Google Analytics. There’s a useful map called the Behavior Flow Chart that provides a list of your most used landing pages and exit pages. This allows you to visually see exactly where the majority of your customers are entering your website and exiting. It shows you down to the percentage how customers are using your website.

In addition to Google Analytics, you can also use a heatmap to determine how your customers are using your website. This heatmap uses different colors and charts to show where the interest on each page of your website is and which part of your website gets the most activity and interest. This can help you determine if your call to action buttons are effectively placed and are used in the way that captures the most interest.

Get Feedback from a Third Party (Ideally Your Customers)

Another great way to experiment with the conversion funnel of your website is to ask your customers’ feedback. Many websites use a third party survey tool to collect feedback about their website, but in addition, you can utilize an online focus group or user testing website to help determine specific sticking points that may be impacting your conversion flow.

Experiment With Your Website

Once you have gathered some data and constructed a high level view of your website’s performance, you can come up with a list of changes that you can make where you can experiment with your results. These changes don’t have to be huge. It could be as simple as moving the placement of your call to action button and as large as eliminating an extraneous step in your conversion process. Don’t be afraid to experiment and test different elements of your website and construct a system for tracking the results. This is how you will notice the changes that even a few small tweaks can make in your website’s overall performance.


For more information about optimizing your website for conversions, contact us via chat and we’ll provide you with a complimentary website analysis.


By Lauren Wilkison