If your blog just isn’t delivering the traffic you hoped for, you may decide to throw in the towel. The truth is that a blog is one of the best tools to build your digital marketing strategy around; but it only works if you are ranking high enough on search engines to attract attention. How do you get more eyeballs (and thus, more conversions) on your blog? Here are some tricks from our SEO experts.

Be Sure You Are Using Social Media Marketing for Your Blog

Your social media profiles are the ideal place to build an audience for your blog, for many reasons. The biggest is that your target audience is likely already there. Your audience may be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or some other platform – and if you can identify where they are and take your content to them, you’re a lot more likely to attract readers. This means you need to optimize your social media posts for searches as well as your blog content. We can help you design a strategy for how often to direct your followers to your blog, how best to include SEO keywords, and more.

Keep Your Blog Updated Frequently

One of the best ways to boost your search engine optimization when you are already using the right keywords, is to post more often. Search engines are constantly cataloguing material, looking for the newest posts to display to readers. The more you post, the more your website will attract the algorithms. We recommend blogging at least eight times per month, and if you think that’s a lot, don’t worry! We offer a complete blogging service that means you don’t have to worry about writing eight articles yourself every month.

Use PPC Advertising to Increase Conversions

If you are struggling to turn browsing audience members into customers, a great way to attract more conversions is PPC advertising. This requires an in-depth understanding of search engine optimization, as well as a very thorough knowledge of what your target audience will respond to. By combining our expertise with blog and content marketing, and your understanding of your audience, we can build a digital marketing strategy that will help you increase your bottom line.

Organically’s Services Are Here to Help

These three methods for increasing your blog traffic can be a big help, but they also take up a lot of your time. At Organically, we offer a full menu of services to help you focus on your business while we build your online presence. Check out how we can help you keep your blog front and center through great search engine optimization, social media strategy, and PPC advertising, as well as other strategies.