If you feel social advertising is not the right path, and perhaps have even ignored a digital advertising agency recommending it, we have some statistics from the Global Web Index that will change your mind:

  • At the end of 2018, the average amount of time spent daily on social media ranged from one to three hours (depending on the age group of the user)
  • This averages to more than two hours daily per person

And while there are some signs of a decline in some parts of the world (such as Germany and China), it is obvious that social advertising is a savvy investment. 

Just What is Social Advertising?

So, if you are looking for a digital advertising agency to help with marketing, and they point you towards social advertising, don’t limit your view to some clickable ads or sponsored content. Instead, take a moment to consider the amount of time your audience might use social media, and how best to speak to them and deliver your message.

While a premium digital advertising agency will have a lot of answers to the questions posed in the heading above, we’ll give you a few points that can help you make the right choice about social advertising.

Social advertising is basically when you pay the social media platform (Facebook or Instagram, as examples) to display content. It is not just an ad, though. It may be something promoted (Twitter, for instance, offers promoted tweets). It could be some sort of showcase of a product, profile, or service. It could be a one-time promotional message. And yet, you should remember that it may also not be about sales at all.

Promotional material and content meant to help you gain traction, generate a bit of buzz, boost brand recognition, increase traffic to your site, or get content shared as a means of someday building sales all qualify as advertising on social media. Your digital advertising agency can bolster the strengths of messages and help you figure out such things as:

  • Marketing goals
  • Buyer personas
  • Content strategies (such as video over blogs or images versus text, and so on)
  • SEO strategies that integrate social advertising
  • Optimized design of a website
  • Digital marketing strategies, in general

Think of them as the keys to your success in social media, in addition to marketing in general.

Choose the Right Digital Advertising Agency

When considering your next steps in social media marketing and advertising and general digital strategizing, it is vital that you work with a team dedicated to your success. They will never use a generic approach to your advertising and marketing but customize based on your needs and those of your target audience. The team at Organically works in partnership with clients to create the kinds of dynamic content and strong messages perfectly suited to digital marketing and social selling. Get in touch today to start seeing results right away.

