Creating a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign is just the first, small step in the digital marketing process.

Once your program is up and running, it is important to thoroughly manage and track the results. The benefit of digital marketing is the availability of real-time results and the opportunity to make updates or adjustments at the drop of a hat. However, just like with any type of advertising campaign, you want to make sure you are getting the biggest return from your investment of time and money.

Most importantly, it’s great when you find ways to track ROI without breaking the bank! These three steps will help you do just that:

Brand Development

Effective SEO techniques offer businesses an affordable way to achieve top search engine placement. Marketers can improve organic search engine rankings via strategic use of keywords placed within content, without incurring the costs of paid search advertising. A responsive, well maintained website (featuring quality content) supports these SEO efforts. The goal is to provide significant value to users, which then should lead to increased conversions.

The same can be said for utilizing social media channels and personalized, targeted email marketing. Featuring targeted keywords through an active and relatable/entertaining blog also increases brand development, online placement and potential website traffic. All of this combined helps build a strong, consistent and recognizable brand that is a critical asset for companies in today’s crowded advertising space.

Inbound Links

When another website links to yours, it’s an important factor that is taken into consideration by search engines. Search engines use this signal to determine what subject a particular company specializes in, and they rank websites accordingly. Increasing link development activities is an effective way to gain more visibility and aids in your SEO efforts; contributing to better rankings, more traffic and increased revenue. Today it is more important than ever to build links from trusted local sources to help your company rank well in local, and especially mobile local, search (i.e., searches for local businesses via cell phone or tablet).

Quality Lead Measuring

A lot of website traffic is great, but not all leads are created equal. It’s important to not only measure the volume of traffic, but also (and more importantly) the quality. This can be measured by analyzing bounce rate, time on site and pages per visit. High rates in these areas indicate that a visitor is engaged. Generating quality links to your website, guest blogging on relevant publications, strategic use of social media wherever your audience is active, and many other steps can help ensure your audience will be as relevant and engaged as possible.

Each day the digital marketing landscape gets more crowded and competitive. Organically offers the experience and innovation to get your message into the hands of your audience, on the platforms they use to communicate. Let’s talk today about building you a quality digital marketing campaign that drives results!