You may think that SEO sounds super simple. All you need to do is plug some keywords into all of your blog posts and web pages, then BOOM! You start ranking on Google’s front page. We wish search engine optimization were that simple…but it’s not.

You see, SEO is not a quick sprint to the finish line because Google is always changing the name of the game. Just when you think you have one strategy figured out, the rules change, and you have to start over again. It can be frustrating, but that is what digital marketing strategy is all about.
You Have to Put in the SEO Work

If you think of search engine optimization as more of a marathon rather than a dash, you will have a better time of it. SEO experts are always studying the algorithms and the analytics to ensure that they are prepared for any of the changes that role out, but there are always a few new tricks up Google’s sleeve that will catch everyone off guard.

Training for these SEO changes is much like training for a marathon, you have to keep pushing forward and headed for the next goal. Whenever a change in the process happens, you need to adjust to that change by implementing it in your web content. Don’t expect to see instantaneous results either, remember you are playing the long game.

Just like it takes time and discipline to get your body in tip-top shape, it will take time and discipline to get your search engine optimization efforts running at peak performance. Also like any good training regimen, you will need a plan or a strategy. When it comes to SEO, you have to make the needed changes and continually monitor your keywords and your links to ensure that your efforts are having an impact.
Follow the SEO Rules

There are no good shortcuts when it comes to having effective search engine optimization. You may be able to try a “hack” that leads to a short term change, but in the long run, it will likely be more detrimental to your efforts. For instance, a spammy technique might get you extra clicks for a short amount of time, but when Google flags your website, you will suffer the penalties.

It is best to remember to keep a marathon mindset and don’t fall for gimmicks that could lead to trouble with Google. You don’t want to have your site banned for practices that are less than honest.
Organically Can Help!

We know that keeping up with all the search engine optimization trends can be a full-time job, and most likely your business needs you to focus on other aspects. That is why having a digital marketing strategy team like Organically on your side can be so helpful. We worry about the SEO, you worry about running your business. Our search engine optimization experts will stay up on all the trends and changes to ensure that your business reaps all the benefits.
