Now more than ever, it’s important to focus your efforts online for maximize visibility. More people are buying products and services online every day, and customers are flocking to social media to make buying decisions. There are several ways to increase your online visibility online with digital marketing, and we will cover some basic techniques to grow your audience and increase your online visibility below.

Create A Blog

Many businesses forego a blog on their website. Either they feel they don’t have time to manage it, or they don’t have the resources to craft articles their audience will enjoy reading; however, a blog is one of the best ways to get your message out there, both to your customers and other business, and it also increases your rankings in the search engines. Better rankings equal more exposure and more customers.

Engage On Social Media

Do you have a “hands-off” approach to social media? Have you created a Facebook Page and just left it to its own devices? Many businesses make the mistake of thinking creating a social media profile is the same as managing a social media profile–this couldn’t be further from the truth. Social media is a way for you not only to connect with customers but also to prove yourself to potential customers, and that is the key. All too often, customers hear of a new business and go straight to their social media profile. They are using this as a way to test the legitimacy of the business and justify their purchasing decisions. Therefore, a poorly managed page can negatively impact sales and your image, while a properly managed page with valuable content can dramatically increase your sales.

Learn Basic SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques encompass a wide range of technical tweaks you can make to your site to increase your visibility and and website rank. Basic SEO techniques include optimizing the Title Tag and Meta Description of your site, as well as the <H1> and <H2> tags. In effect, these tweaks help web crawlers find your site and expose the most helpful parts of your site. You can learn more about basic SEO techniques on our blog, and we also offer SEO services to all of our clients.

Research The Competition

Digital Marketing is a competitive field. Marketers, it seems, are always in a friendly competition to “best” their peers. One of the secret weapons of digital marketers is competition research. Is there a website or business in your industry that always ranks higher than your business on Google? Or maybe they have an active and engaging social media presence that you envy? You can increase your visibility on social media and search engines by performing basic competition research of top players in your industry. The goal is to break down what type of media they are using, which sites they are posting to, and the type of content their customers are responding to. After you have accumulated enough data, you can use this data to improve your own digital marketers. Keep in mind, we said “improve,” not “copy.” Using this data as a guide, you can fill in holes in your digital marketing efforts while increases your online visibility.

For more digital marketing tips and tricks, subscribe to the Organically Interactive blog, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.