You’ve heard about the importance of blogging, however, did you know there IS a magic number when it comes to monthly blog creation? The number of posts you schedule each month has a direct correlation on traffic, leads, and purchases.


So what is the incredibly important minimum number of blogs you should post each month, the number you should memorize right now?

Why 16 Blogs Per Month?

How did we come to this conclusion? Well, the short answer is, we didn’t. Taking a look at the third party statistics below from HubSpot, it’s easy to see why 16 blogs per month are the ideal number of posts if you want to accomplish your goals of generating more leads and revenue.


  • Companies that publish 16 or more blogs per month get 4.5x more leads compared to companies with 0-4 posts per month.
  • Companies with 16 or more blog posts per month will get 3x the traffic vs. those with 0-4 monthly blogs.


If that number seems daunting, remember you can create a monthly content calendar to help you stay organized and stay on track. It’s important to select topics which not only relate to your business, but are interesting enough that you would want to read them.


You should also consider using valuable keywords throughout your blog content. Remember not to overuse keywords, they should flow naturally and make sense within the context. By utilizing keywords in your blogs, you can help increase your rankings for those terms.


Lastly, if you are interested in outsourcing your blog needs, contact us at Organically using the form below. We helped one client gain 92% more site entrances from blogs in just 3 months!