Having a website with quality content which is optimized for conversions is crucial for your online sales, however, the images you use for your products are just as important. In fact, according to jeffbullas.com, when it comes to shopping online,


63% of consumers said the quality of the images is even more important than product specific information, and 53% said images are more important than ratings and reviews.


Images on your commerce site can greatly increase revenue

Images Help Customers Retain Information

According to HubSpot, when people receive information with a visual, they can retain 65% of that information 3 days later, compared to only 10% of information without a visual! By pairing quality images with your products you can help clients retain information about your brand, meaning they have a better chance of returning to your site for similar products later!

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Images are Easy to Share on Social Media

According to socialexaminer.com, photos are the main content shared on Facebook. In fact, 87% of shares on Facebook are images. On Twitter, tweets with images are 3X more likely to get retweeted.  If you have an ecommerce site, don’t forget to put social sharing icons next to your products to increase engagement with your brand!

Images Give Shoppers a Quick Way to Process Information

  • Research shows 75% of people skim content, and only 16% read text word-for-word. Images are processed 60,000 times faster than text. By including images on your site, you give your customers a chance to quickly interpret your product offerings (and ideally, more time to add more products to their cart!).

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Images Increase Conversions

Products with images are at least 3X more likely to convert than products without images. Don’t just use any old stock photo on your website though, make sure you invest in high quality photography and don’t forget to include people using your products to further increase conversion rates!

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Images Help with Search Results

Having images on your site means you show up in image results in search engines. It’s a good idea to include alt tags with images, and link the images back to the specific product.


Images offer a great way to boost online sales. It’s important to use images unique to your products and avoid stock photos in order to get the best results. (Also remember to include images in your company blogs and social media posts!)

To learn more about how to be successful in your digital marketing, follow our social pages as we’re always posting tips, tricks, and marketing statistics!

Related Post: How to Choose Quality Images for Your Blogs

By Amara Young