Business owners are tasked with the responsibility of conveying information to their customers, building strong rapport, and converting curious prospects into paying customers. This is a challenging feat for any business. The methods outlined here will help you increase conversions in a simple, effective way.

Navigating the Waters after the First Contact

Your initial contact, e.g., marketing e-mail, ad, etc., should be strong, address a specific problem, and provide a solution. The contact should be brief, to the point, and easy to skim through quickly.

Your first contact will determine whether you even receive a response from your prospects. Providing that you do receive a response, you will then need to work out how to communicate with them to convey more value and remove resistance to buying your product.

You want your customers to think “Wow, that’s exactly what I need, and I’m going to buy it right now because I know it’s worth it.” In order to do that, you have to A. convey more value and B. remove their resistance.

Your buyers are constantly making decisions, struggling to find the right solutions, and comparing products and companies. The goal now is to stop the internal negotiation by offering your customers more in value than the amount they will pay you in cash, and that can be tricky since everyone perceives value differently.

Emphasize Value by Highlighting the Benefits

In order to convert, you have to be able to clearly articulate why your product/service fulfills the need(s) that your buyer has. There are several ways that you can accomplish this.

The first thing that you should ask yourself is what kind of information your customers have to make a decision about your product. Offering useful, informative materials, resources, pamphlets, brochures, articles, etc. is an excellent way to convey value without getting too “in your face” with the sales angle.

Another way to establish value is to highlight the benefits. Most business owners will be able to do this naturally, but perhaps you could expand on it a bit.

As an illustration, let’s say you sell fitness equipment. Instead of just telling your customers that your equipment will help them gain more muscle tone and get a better body, you could say, “This fitness equipment will transform your body into a muscle-building machine, give you more energy, and increase your metabolism.” You’ve just upped the ante and made your buyers think more intently about purchasing your product.

Give Your Customers More Incentive by Removing Resistance

Now, you have to address any concerns that the buyer has. The resistance that your customers have to making a purchase is a built-in mental force that compels them to second-guess the decision. They may think that your product is priced too high or that they might not receive all that is promised. Whatever their uncertainty may be, you have to address it and provide a solution to it.

If you have built a good rapport with you customers, removing resistance will be much easier, but there are also other ways that you can unhinge the mental blocks preventing your customer from making the sale.

  • Offer free trials, promotions, discounts.
  • Offer a guarantee on your product.
  • Offer packages of products or services.
  • Enhance your product or service offerings.
  • Make it easy to transition to using your products or services.
  • Create a special members area and offer exclusive promotions to your loyal customers.
  • Offer a product that is of great value to your customers.

Feel free to post a comment below if you know of any other method to increase conversions!