In only a few weeks it will be that time of year again. No, not the winter holidays, but Valentine’s Day, when everything is about love and, well…chocolate. Yet, if you are involved in any sort of digital marketing, it is also the time to be sure you are well aware of the anticipated digital marketing trends for 2019 and what you can do to be certain you are making the most of them.

The Ebb and Flow of Digital Marketing

Perhaps you are already well aware of the fact that digital marketing changes on a relatively constant basis. It is not just about digital marketing trends and what is hot, but also about what is working for you, specifically. One of the keys in digital marketing success is adaptability, and to continually integrate trends into your plans, you’ll need to figure out which trends apply to you and how to adapt to meet them.

With that in mind, let’s review what is expected to be the hottest of hot in the world of digital marketing this year.

Digital Marketing Trends to Consider in 2019

While there are more than just 8 digital marketing trends relevant in the coming year, the following are some that apply to all industries and all kinds of digital marketing goals:

  1. Get serious about social media options – Social media statistics say one very clear thing – Facebook may not be the way to market to millennials, Gen X, and others. Forbes indicated that around 41% of Facebook’s most active users are seniors (over 65), but that younger users are dwindling. What does that mean for you? Simply that you have to be attentive to your target market and whether Facebook is the right social platform.
  2. Think Instagram – Of course, with more than one billion accounts, it makes sense to look towards Instagram as a good Facebook alternative.
  3. AI and Chatbots – Automating your direct interaction with the public via artificial intelligence (AI) is a growing trend, with platforms like Facebook already seeing it heavily used. Be sure that your AI does not dehumanize your brand, though.
  4. Go Video or Go Home – The Digital Marketing Institute has repeatedly advocated the use of video as its data proves that consumers want video far more than text.
  5. Go Live Video – If you are trying to be an influencer in your industry (and you really should aim for that in almost any industry), live video is something you cannot ignore this year.
  6. Don’t Go Entirely Video – SEO will always matter and that means written content cannot disappear. The quality of that content matters more than ever, though, so invest in expert writing and make every word count.
  7. Humanize and Personalize – From your messaging to your email blasts, avoid generic approaches or campaigns that have a “stock” feel to them.
  8. Think Speech Rather Than Type – Web searches are becoming more and more “spoken” rather than typed, and your SEO, content and metadata all have to reflect that.

Here you have the 8 most significant digital marketing trends to consider for 2019, and they, alone, represent a tremendous amount of work. If you are eager to partner with a team that is already on top of these trends, get in touch with Organically to enhance your digital marketing outcomes in 2019.