Video is one of the fastest-growing social media marketing tools online – are you using it to engage your customers? If you are like many business owners, you may not be exactly sure how you can leverage this tool to really boost your digital marketing campaigns. Here are some great tips on how to let your customers know what you have to offer through this attention-grabbing tool.

Grab Your Audience’s Attention by Knowing Their Goal

In order to get someone to watch a full video, you have to grab their attention in less than a few seconds. Because people can’t skim through a video, any video content represents a larger time commitment. So they need to know right away that the video will give them what they want. And to reassure them that you’re going to deliver, you need to know what it is that they want. Are they watching your video for the answer to a question? For entertainment? To help make a purchase decision? Be clear on the goal of the viewer before you use this digital marketing tool.

Play Close Attention to the Thumbnail and Title

When you are trying to convince someone to invest some time in your content, the first impression is important. The thumbnail of the video, and the title of the video, are both vital elements of social media marketing with video content. You need to ensure that the thumbnail and title both communicate what question it is you’ll be answering, or what kind of content you’ll be offering.

Deliver On the Goal and Keep the Pitch Brief

It’s important to remember that video content in your digital marketing strategy is not a commercial. You do need to include a pitch for your product or service, but it should be brief. Add more detail in the description, or via a link at the end of the video. The goal of the video should be to deliver on the goal that your viewers had when they clicked. Answer their question, entertain them, offer them advice, or whatever the case may be. Make sure that the video is offering enough value to make it worth watching all the way to the end, so you can get that pitch in.

Let the Digital Marketing Pros Help

If you aren’t sure how to best incorporate your video content with your social media marketing tactics, Organically can help! Our services include social media management, content strategy, and more. While you work on producing high-quality video content to engage your viewers, we can handle posting, tagging, analyzing, and managing that content for you. Let us help your team succeed – check out our services here.