To the delight of many social marketing experts, early in 2018, LinkedIn noted that it was going to begin integration with Google’s Campaign Manager on just a few of its ad formats. In late October, it announced it would add Sponsored Content to the ads integrated with the Google Marketing Platform.

Social Marketing and Digital Marketing Benefits of the Integration

What does this mean for you? It means that you can more fully track any of your sponsored content on the platform, allowing you two-fold benefits.

  1. Those who purchase LinkedIn ads can now see how they perform alongside other ads; and
  2. You will now get attribution for those ads across the entire range of interactions and impressions. This would be “measured in a cross-device and cross-platform manner,” according to LinkedIn’s Business Blog.

In other words, those tasked with digital marketing and/or social marketing will have the widest view of their overall LinkedIn ad campaign performance, ultimately making it remarkably simple to compare against all other platforms. As the LinkedIn Business Blog also explained, “You target your prospects and run multiple campaigns on a variety of sites over the course of several months to drive a sale. With all this activity, how can you really give proper credit to every interaction a buyer has had with your brand across multiple platforms and channels?”

Naturally, this new tool is meant to provide the ideal answer to that question. When you can get concentrated reporting on the performance of sponsored content campaigns in your digital marketing strategies, including “video, carousel and lead-gen forms, as well as text and ‘spotlight’ dynamic ads,” you can begin to better map out how a lead eventually becomes a conversion.

In fact, whether you are focused on social marketing or your broader digital marketing, you can activate a cross-environment conversions feature in the reporting and gauge if a single conversion has involved multiple devices or environments (such as desktop and mobile) or a single pathway.

LinkedIn also gives tips for making the most of this feature by using click tags over certain URLs and continuing to use the LinkedIn Insight Tag as a means of optimizing results. If this seems complex or confusing, it is important to remember that this has occurred to help you make the most of your investments.

And Then?

If you are still unclear as to how to begin interpreting the data and making the right choices for your social marketing and digital marketing efforts based on what you see, it may be time to consult with experts. The team at Organically can work with you to consider what the information means and where you can go with it.  Whether it is simply a weakness in the design of the ads and content or you need help building a strategy from the information gleaned in the reports, their team of skilled experts is ready to help.